Sunday, 1 March 2015

MS Powerpoint part 2

Text Basics:-


It is important to know how to perform basic tasks with text when working in PowerPoint. In this lesson, you will learn the basics of working with text, including how to insert, delete, and move text; how to work with text boxes; and how to format text.

If you're new to Microsoft PowerPoint, you'll need to learn the basics of working with text so you can add and arrange text on your slides. You'll need to know how to insert, delete, move, and format text, as well as how to use text boxes.
To insert text:
1.      Click the placeholder or text box where you want to insert text.
2.      The insertion point appears.

3.      Type directly into the placeholder or text box.

Some placeholders automatically format your text in a bulleted list. This is because bulleted lists are frequently used in PowerPoint. To remove the bullets, deselect the Bullets command in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.

To delete text:-

1.      Place the insertion point next to the text you wish to delete.
2.      Press the Backspace key on your keyboard to delete text to the left of the insertion point.
3.      Press the Delete key on your keyboard to delete text to the right of the insertion point.

To select text:-

1.      Place the insertion point next to the text you wish to select.
2.      Click the mouse button. While holding it down, drag the mouse over the text.
3.      Release the mouse. The text will be selected. A highlighted box will appear over the selected text.

When you select text in PowerPoint, a hover toolbar with formatting options appears. This makes formatting commands easily accessible, which may save you time. If the toolbar does not appear at first, try moving the mouse over the selection.

To copy and paste text:-

1.      Select the text you wish to copy.
2.      Click the Copy command on the Home tab. You can also right-click your selection and choose Copy.

3.      Place your insertion point where you wish the text to appear.
4.      Click the Paste command on the Home tab. The text will appear.

To cut and paste text:
1.      Select the text you wish to cut.
2.      Click the Cut command on the Home tab. You can also right-click your selection and choose Cut.

3.      Place your insertion point where you wish the text to appear.
4.      Click the Paste command on the Home tab. The text will reappear.
You can also cut, copy, and paste by right-clicking your slide and choosing the desired action from the drop-down menu. When you use this method to paste, you can choose from four options that determine how the text will be formatted: Use Destination Theme, Keep Source Formatting, Picture, and Keep Text Only. You can hover the mouse over each icon to see what it will look like before you click it.

To drag and drop text:-

1.      Select the text you wish to copy.
2.      Click, hold, and drag your mouse to the location where you want the text to appear. The cursor will have a rectangle underneath it to indicate that you are moving text.

3.      Release the mouse button, and the text will appear.
If text does not appear in the exact location you wish, you can press the Enter key on your keyboard to move the text to a new line.

Find and Replace:-

Find and Replace is another technique that can be used to edit text. Find and Replace allows you to search all of your slides for a specific word or phrase (for example, "English"), then replace it with another word or phrase (for example, "British"). 

Working with Text:-

As you create your presentation, you can add text boxes to help organize your slides. You'll also need to know how to format text to create the look you need. 

To add a text box:-

Text can be inserted into both placeholders and text boxes. A placeholder is a kind of text box, but is unique because it is part of the slide layout and often contains formatting specific to the slide (for example, a larger font size for the title of your presentation). Inserting an extra text box allows you to add to the slide layout, so you can include as much text as you want.
1. From the Insert tab, click the Text Box command. 

3. Click the area on your slide where you want to add a text box. A text box will appear with an insertion point inside.

To move a placeholder or text box:- 1. Click the box you would like to move.
2.      Position your mouse on the border of the box so it changes to a cross with

3.      Click and hold the mouse button as you drag the box to the desired location.

4.      Release the mouse button. The box will be moved.
To rotate the box, click and drag on the green circle at the top of the box.

To resize a placeholder or text box:-

1.      Click the box you wish to resize.
2.      Position your mouse over any one of the sizing handles that appear on the corners and sides of the box. The cursor will become a pair of arrows .

3.      Click, hold, and drag your mouse until the text box is the desired size.

4.      Release the mouse button. The box will be resized.

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