Sunday, 1 March 2015

MS Powerpoint part 3

Modifying text:- To insert a bulleted list:-

1.      Select the text box (or specific text) you want to format as a bulleted list.
2.      Click the Bullets command in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.

3.      A bulleted list will appear.

To change horizontal text alignment:- 1. Select the text you wish to modify.
2. Select one of the four alignment options in the Paragraph group. o   Align Text Left: Aligns all of the selected text to the left margin. o   Center: Aligns text an equal distance from the left and right margins. o            Align Text Right: Aligns all of the selected text to the right margin.
o Justify: Justified text is equal on both sides and lines up equally to the right and left margins. Many newspapers and magazines use full justification.

The alignment commands align the text within the placeholder or text box it is in, not across the slide.

To change vertical text alignment:-

1.      Select the text you wish to modify.
2.      Click the Align Text command in the Paragraph group. A menu will appear.

3.      Choose to align the text at the Top, Middle, or Bottom of the text box.

To change text direction:-

1.      Select the text you wish to modify.
2.      Click the Text Direction command in the Paragraph group. A menu will appear.

3.      Choose for the direction of the text to be Horizontal, Rotated, or Stacked.


Applying a Theme:-


A theme is a predefined combination of colors, fonts, and effects that can be applied to your presentation. PowerPoint includes built-in themes that allow you to easily create professional-looking presentations without spending a lot of time formatting. In this lesson, you will learn all about themes and how to apply them.


A theme is a set of colors, fonts, effects, and more that can be applied to your entire presentation to give it a consistent, professional look. You've already been using a theme, even if you didn't know it: the default Office theme, which consists of a white background, the Calibri font, and primarily black text. Themes can be applied or changed at any time.

Theme elements:-

Every PowerPoint theme, including the default Office theme, has its own theme elements. These elements are:
       Theme Colors (available from every Color menu)

       Theme Fonts (available from the Font menu)

       Shape Styles (available in the Format tab when you click on a shape)

Why use theme elements?
If you're using theme elements, you'll probably find that your presentation looks pretty good. All of the colors will work well together, which means you won't have to spend as much time formatting your presentation. But there's another great reason to use theme elements: When you switch to a different theme, all of those elements will update to reflect the new theme. You can drastically change the look of your presentation in just a few clicks.

Remember, the colors and fonts will only update if you're using Theme Fonts or Theme
Colors. If you choose one of the Standard Colors or any of the Fonts that are not Theme Fonts, then your text will not change when you change the theme. This can be useful if you're creating a logo or title that always needs to look the same, like in the sample below.

Themes and slide layouts:-
As you can see from the two different Title Slides above, themes also affect the various slide layouts.

If you apply a theme before you start building your presentation, you will be able to arrange your content to fit the layouts you have to choose from. If you apply the theme after, the text boxes and placeholders may move depending on the theme you choose.

Applying themes:-

You will need to know how to apply a theme and how to switch to a different theme if you want to use this feature to create presentations. All of the themes included in PowerPoint are located in the Themes group on the Design tab. Themes can be applied or changed at any time.
To apply a theme:
1.      Go to the Design tab.
2.      Locate the Themes group. Each image represents a theme.

3.      Click the drop-down arrow to access more themes.

4.      Hover over a theme to see a live preview of it in the presentation. The name of the theme will appear as you hover over it.

5.      Click a theme to apply it to the slides.

Inserting Images:-


Adding images to your presentations makes them more interesting and engaging. Pictures,
clip art, and screenshots can be inserted into PowerPoint to help you effectively communicate             your     ideas    to         your     audience. 

In this lesson, you will learn how to insert and manipulate pictures, clip art, and screenshots into your slides.

Working with Images:-

Adding clip art and pictures to your presentation can be a great way to illustrate important information or add decorative accents to existing text. You can insert images from your computer, search Microsoft's large selection of clip art to find the image you need, or add a screenshot of your own. Once an image has been inserted, you can resize and move it to the location you want.

To insert an image from a file:-

1.      Select the Insert tab.
2.      Click the Picture command in the Images group. The Insert Picture dialog box appears.

3.      Select the desired image file, then click Insert.

4.      The picture will appear in your slide.

You can also select the Insert Picture from File command in a placeholder to insert images.

To locate clip art:
1.      Select the Insert tab.
2.      Click the Clip Art command in the Images group.

3.      The clip art options appear in the task pane to the right of the document.
4.      Enter keywords in the Search for: field that are related to the image you wish to insert.
5.      Click the drop-down arrow in the Results should be: field.
6.      Deselect any types of media you do not wish to see.

7.      If you would like to also search for clip art on, place a check mark next to Include content. Otherwise, it will just search for clip art on your computer.

8.      Click Go.

To insert clip art:-

1.      Review the results from a clip art search in the Clip Art pane.
2.      Select the desired image.

3.      The clip art will appear in your slide.

You can also select the Insert Clip Art from File command in a placeholder to insert clip art.

Inserting screenshots:-

Screenshots are pictures that capture the visible windows and items displayed on your computer screen. They may include an open window of a website, items on your desktop, or an open program, like the PowerPoint images displayed in this tutorial. These images can be useful for explaining or displaying computer programs, functions, and websites. PowerPoint allows you to capture an image of an entire window or a screen clipping of part of a window.

To insert screenshots of a window:-

1.      Select the Insert tab.
2.      Click the Screenshot command in the Images group.
3.      The Available Windows from your desktop will appear. Select the window you would like to capture as a screenshot.
4.      The screenshot will appear in your slide.

To insert a screen clipping from a window:
1.      Select the Insert tab.
2.      Click the Screenshot command, then select Screen Clipping.

3.      A faded view of your current desktop will appear, and your cursor will turn into a cross shape .
4.      Click, hold, and drag on the area of the window that you want to capture.

5.      The screen clipping will appear in your slide.

Resizing and moving images:-

To resize an image:-  1. Click on the image.
2.      Position your mouse over any one of the corner sizing handles. The cursor will become a pair of directional arrows .
3.      Click, hold, and drag your mouse until the image is the desired size.

4.      Release the mouse. The image will be resized.
The side sizing handles change the image's size but do not keep the same proportions. If you want to keep the image's proportions, always use the corner handles.

To move an image:-

1.      Click on the image. The cursor will turn into a cross with arrows .
2.      While holding down the mouse button, drag the image to the desired location.

3.      Release the mouse button. The box will be moved.
To rotate the image, click and drag on the green circle located at the top of the image.

Applying Transitions:-


Transitions are motion effects that, when in Slide Show View, add movement to your slides as you advance from one slide to another. There are many transitions to choose from; each one allows you to control the speed and even add sound.
In this lesson, you will learn how to apply and customize slide transitions.

If you've ever seen a PowerPoint presentation that had "special effects" between each slide, then you've seen slide transitions. A transition can be as simple as fading to the next slide or as complex as a flashy, eye-catching effect. This means you can choose transitions to fit the style of any presentation.

About transitions:-

There are three categories of unique transitions to choose from, all of which can be found on the Transitions tab:
       Subtle (slight transitions)

       Exciting (strong transitions)

       Dynamic Content (strong transitions that affect only the content, such as text or images)

To apply a transition:-

1.      Select the slide you wish to modify.
2.      Click the Transitions tab.
3.      Locate the Transition to This Slide group. By default, None is applied to each slide.

4.      Click the More drop-down arrow to display all of the transitions.
5.      Click a transition to apply it to the selected slide. This will automatically preview the transition as well.

When working with transitions, the Apply To All command in the Timing group can be used at any time to make your presentation uniform. Use this command with caution. Not only does it apply the same transition to every slide, but it also applies the settings in the Timing group, which you may not want to be the same throughout your presentation.

To preview a transition:-

You can preview the transition for a selected slide at any time, using either of these two methods:
       Click the Preview command on the Transitions tab.

       Click the star Play Animations icon. The icon appears on the Slides tab in the left pane beside any slide that includes a transition.

Modifying a transition:- To modify the duration:-

1.      Select the slide that includes the transition you wish to modify.
2.      In the Duration field in the Timing group, enter the amount of time you want the transition to take. In this example, we will specify the length as 2 seconds, or 02.00.

To add sound:
1.      Select the slide that includes the transition you wish to modify.
2.      Click the Sound drop-down menu in the Timing group.
3.      You will hear the sound and see a live preview of the transition as you hover over each sound.

4.      Click a sound to apply it to the selected slide.

To remove a transition:-

1.      Select the slide you wish to modify.
2.      Choose None from the gallery in the Transition to This Slide group.

3.      Repeat this process for each slide you want to modify.
To remove transitions from all slides, select a slide that uses None, and click the Apply to All command.
Advancing slides:-

To advance slides automatically:-

Normally, in Slide Show View, you would advance to the next slide by clicking your mouse (or        pressing           Enter   on        your     keyboard).       Using   the Advance   Slides settings            in the Timing group, you can set your presentation to advance on its own instead, and display each slide for a specific amount of time. This is useful for unattended presentations, such as at a tradeshow booth.
1.      Select the slide you wish to modify.
2.      Locate the Timing group on the Transitions tab.
3.      Under Advance Slide, uncheck the box next to On Mouse Click.
4.      In the After field, enter the amount of time you want to display the slide. In this example, we will advance the slide automatically after 1 minute 30 seconds, or 01:30:00.

5.      Select another slide and repeat the process until all the desired slides have the appropriate timing.

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